Sunday, April 22, 2012

My stay at home day

Today i did not get out of my PJ's at all !I did all my homework today also i watched the capitals bruins game and the caps lost :( hopefully they can come back to win game 7 on wednesday April 25 .I was suposed to plant some stuff today but it was raining all day so i could not humph! Anyways here is a pic of my window sill garden!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My goat WILLI

hey everyone ,i am back in the virtul world and here to stay ,hopfully.Today my parents and i went to a craft fair at Ps.9 we had a great time.i got a really cool bag made of white courdory and green floaral fabric,it was handmade to.But,the best thing i got was a sweater toy!A sweater toy is a adorable stuffed animal made out of recyceled sweaters and 100% organic cotten.They come with names,mine was named William.But i dont like that name,so i named him Willi !Here is a pic!